Been very busy in the garden, have finished with the tomatoes, corgettes, melons and watermelons. These have all been cleared, and the garden dug back over again. Recently planted for the winter, cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, lettuice, tomatoes and broad beans, which are all doing really well, but I have no pictures of these.
Our village was also in fiestas recently, so here are some photos of the foam party and the fancy dress parade.
I've just had my sister here for 2 weeks from New Zealand, not sen her in over 5 years, so that has been very nice. The girlies are back at school now, but still only half days, roll on 1 October, when they are there all day once more.
I have managed to continue with my 365 Days project, on flickr, which is proving quite fun and have also started a photography course on line. This is proving very interesting and I hope that it will improve my photography. I've also been playing around and trying to learn Photoshop a lot better. This is a dyptych of a before and after Photoshop of my sister, I'm quite pleased with the results.
In my absence I have also redecorated the girlies bedroom. Oh yeah I blitzed that Barbie pink, and have gone for a hopefully calming lilac and pale green. Oh and have rehomed 4 chickens from a local battery farm :o) They continued to lay eggs for a couple of days, but then stopped. I split the corral down the middle to keep the 'ens from the dux, and they have started to lay (sparingly) again. If they don't get their acts together soon, and start to be a little more productive, they might just find themselves in the pot.
Right that's my lot for today. Will try to be back again soon with another update.