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Monday, 16 May 2011

Sunshine, Santos and Cerveza

So a sunny day dawned and with alarms set at 06.30 - and not a school day - we got ready for this years Romeria de San Isidro Labrador.  The patron saint of peasants and field workers or farmers, I always think he does rather well, as he at least gets taken out of the church for a day in the countryside.  Not many saints that can say that.

There were about 15 carrozas this year all decorated with palms and what not, a special mention has to go to these

Whose interpretation of a cow rather amused me.

Gotta love this guy who is always well prepared

This boat which was fantastic, but not quite in the homemade "spirit" of the other carozas.

And then there were these, who had managed to store all their beer and drums of water balloons on the same side of their trailer.  What can I say

It caused a bit of a traffic jam, and unfortunatey had to be abandoned in the street.  Such a shame after such a lot of hard work.

San Isidro was of course followed by the band

Who kept everybody dancing along

On arrival at the Hermita a mass was given

Followed by the Almuerzo

And cubatas

A lovely time was had by all and can't wait for next years.  ¡Viva San Isidro!

There are as normal loads more photos on my Flickr  If you are interested

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