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Sunday, 3 March 2013


062 by Sonriendo
062, a photo by Sonriendo on Flickr.

So, I spent most of this morning and indeed some of this afternoon doing mens work :D I am now covered in scratches and haven't even thought about doing any ironing :) As for taking a POTD, well this is as good as it gets today. It's all cleared now, and I now need to think what to roof it with next time before the summer gets here.

A bit of demolition work is good for the soul though :) I think I need a wife though as I'm now behind in my indoor jobs :)


061 by Sonriendo
061, a photo by Sonriendo on Flickr.

This is Montseratt, being someshat aloof and keeping an eye on the dogs below.

060 TFIF

060 TFIF by Sonriendo
060 TFIF, a photo by Sonriendo on Flickr.

Bit of a Friday night ritual in our house Pizza under cheese and wine.


59 by Sonriendo
59, a photo by Sonriendo on Flickr.

A bit of a glomy day today thought I'd woken up in Wales