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Wednesday, 27 February 2013


058 by Sonriendo
058, a photo by Sonriendo on Flickr.

Bit of a filler again today, wet, grey and damn cold today so I took this leaning out of my kitchen window.

But, the good news is I got my heating boiler to work to day, so we should be nice and cosy over the next few days of coldness that we are due to get. I'll think about paying the electric bill when it arrives :(


057 by Sonriendo
057, a photo by Sonriendo on Flickr.

Did this one for the We is Here group on Flickr, who I am hoping will inspire me on occassion.

Reluctant as I am to remove my Ugg boots, I decided that the best bet was to have an accessory.

Tuesday, 26 February 2013


056 by Sonriendo
056, a photo by Sonriendo on Flickr.

Complete filler shot for today, ran out of time and picked the camera up just before I was going to bed. Didn't even change the settings from the day before, just point and press fortunately the focus was OK

Sunday, 24 February 2013


055 by Sonriendo

055, a photo by Sonriendo on Flickr.
So, managed to convince one of the girlies to be a model again, this is a photo I've been meaning to do for ages, but she kept forgetting to bring her dance shoes home. Natural light and a reflector.


054 by Sonriendo
054, a photo by Sonriendo on Flickr.

Getting late and not got a flaming thing :( So i snaped this of the logs buring in the log burner


053 had hoped the girlies were going to help me with a lighting project, but then i remembered the egg by Sonriendo
053 had hoped the girlies were going to help me with a lighting project, but then i remembered the egg, a photo by Sonriendo on Flickr.

The girlies weren't really up to helping with my 365 today.  I  had hoped the girlies were going to help me with a lightingproject, but then i remembered the egg  A really cool video 

Thursday, 21 February 2013


052 by Sonriendo
052, a photo by Sonriendo on Flickr.

Right, those of you who know me realise that I'm not in the running for a Stepford Wife of the year award :D Don't have the requisited husband to greet at the door nicely made up and bearing his pipe and slippers, for a start.

A level of hygene is all that is required to my mind and let's face it dull women have tidy houses. So I think this could be the answer.

I'm not over happy with this cloning job, there's something strange going on with the bag of dog food, which I should have moved anyway - durrr. And also where I'm taking the photo, there's something not quite right at the back of my legs - sun came out more in this shot I think :( Maybe I should've processed all three first and then layered them - I don't know.


051 by Sonriendo
051, a photo by Sonriendo on Flickr.

Sorry folks it's blossom time again :D

This field is just up the road from me and has had no blossom until now :D Can't say that this will be the last one you get from me but it just may be. Field is on a very busy road and there is a high fence around it, so it had to be taken on tippy toes :) It's obviously most amusing to lorry drivers as I got hooted at a number of times :lol:

Tuesday, 19 February 2013


050 by Sonriendo
050, a photo by Sonriendo on Flickr.

So having reached the first half century, I felt this should be marked in some way and what better way to celebrate than with a cake ;)

I think I need to put white plates on my shopping list at some point, or one white plate anyway ;) I think food tends to look better on white, or something very pale anyway. I feel a trip to a car boot or charity shop might just be in my future soon.

Monday, 18 February 2013


049 by Sonriendo
049, a photo by Sonriendo on Flickr.

Took the pup out last night to "perform" and caught a slight movement out the corner of my eye. A swift grab and he spent the night in an old fish tank in the kitchen :D

This morning I took a few snaps and then released him back into the field - got to kidnap these models when you can!!!

Sunday, 17 February 2013


048 by Sonriendo
048, a photo by Sonriendo on Flickr.

So, today was Nattie's turn and she was not going to get away lightly ;) All natural light, which is today a trifle flat to say the least :( Styled by Charlotte :)


047 by Sonriendo
047, a photo by Sonriendo on Flickr.

So, had a long day today, mostly washing windows and fixing the roof - oh the joys. Really, I am getting far too old to be lugging building materials up a ladder.

This evening I lured one of my willing models and made her be flashed to death Conclusion for tonight - and I was going to illustrate this with photos but am far too weary to contemplate it. Bouncing off the ceiling is not a good look and I really need some sort of difusor. Anyway, best of the lot was this one, but I think I've overcooked the eyes a tiny bit. Which are green today

Friday, 15 February 2013


046 by Sonriendo

046, a photo by Sonriendo on Flickr.
Today you get me again, I swear I don't look so old and wrinkly in the mirror as I do in a photo - such a good advert as to why it is actually a good idea to use face cream, and not just leave it in pots decorating the bathroom Anyway, the girlies got home from school today and said - Oh you look pretty today mum - so I thought this day should be doccumented Ooooh and I've got some skin on show for the first time this year - look short sleeves

Thursday, 14 February 2013

The Long Awaited Day 40

So, I didn't blog my Day 40 photo of the day and that's because there is more than one photo to share.  It was forecast a bit chilly and windy so we went off to Rio Safari with a bit of trepidation.  This was unfounded as it turned out to be a lovely day, sun shone, lions roared etc.  As zoos go, this is not one of the best although I must say it is much improved since the last time I visited which was about 5 or 6 years ago (maybe even longer).

We saw ...

tigers - of which I am a little diappointed that I clipped his ear

A Giraffe being fed by Charlotte

And on it's own

A dromedary

Some Jaguars - with enormous feet - would have liked these at home - just right for warming my feet on in front of the fire.

And a wee beastie either an Iguana or a Karma Karma Karma Chameleon - I forget now

There were of course lots of other animals and birds too.  The sea lion show was pretty impressive - I mean who doesn't love a sea lion.  The male ostrich appeared to be completely smitten with Nattie and proceeded to give her a quick mating dance display every time she went near - much to our delight - obviously pleased to see another long legged bird. Lllamas, pygmy hippos, dwarf goats, snakes, aligators, crocodiles and assorted deer type things and not to forget the chimpanzees on their island, which I'd not seen before

The only disappointment was the lack of Babati the elephant who had gone to the vet for a routine check up.  All in all, a good day out and I've since discovered that there are lots or promotional offers for discounted entrance tickets.  Using my Ikea card would have got me 50% off.  Oh well, I know for next time.


045 by Sonriendo
045, a photo by Sonriendo on Flickr.

When I started my first ever 365 Project, I was often aided and abeted by the sadly now defunct Flickr Group Roulette One day the group The Story People was chosen to be infiltrated. Which continued to inspire me for many other of my 365 photos.

Today, being Valentines day, I decided to use it once again.

Wednesday, 13 February 2013

044 I-pad light

044 by Sonriendo
044, a photo by Sonriendo on Flickr.

Late, last minute effort here, just lit from below with her Ipad screen, a few tweaks in Lightroom, but if memory serves I didn't touch the exposure.

The Catch Up Part II

Day 38 brought a nice bright sunny day, so spent a short time in the garden with the macro lens.  The bees were very busy mostly with just their backsides hanging out of these flowers.  What with that and the wind, it was quite difficult to catch one in focus.  Mind you if I'd used my tripod it might just have helped a little.

Day 39 and the girlies had a friend around in the evening.  They wanted new Tuenti avatars and I insisted on a group shot.  My white balance looks a touch on the blue side here, but I really can't remember what I did processing wise.  Have a feeling it was just a crop and jpeg conversion.

Day 41 and some more friends around, these wanted an up to date photo for Granny

Day 42 and I was working all day.  For some strange reason I fortunately took a photo of my diary on the desk, which I then messed about with in Streamzoo.  I couldn't really see what was going on on my phone screen, but fortunately it wasn't too bad.

Now, that brings up to day 43 which was yesterday and pancake day, so that's me all caught up.

Now then, the more astute of you will notice that day 40 got left out.  That's because we had a day at the zoo and it truly deserves a complete post of it's own.  Hopefully I'll get that sorted out later on today.

Ooops I've done it again

Not blogged for a fair few days now.  However this is about to be rectified in this photo heavy couple of posts, which will hopefully put me back on track.

The Medieval market came to town, which provided me with 365 shots for a couple of days.  One of the stalls selling loose teas and infusions.

The cutest American Kestrel

Day 33 I decided to inflict a Self Portrait on the world - really not too comfortable about doing these any more - but I'm sure I will be featuring more as I run out of ideas.

Day 34 brought the view up my garden path, oranges, almond blossom and the mountains in the distance

Day 35 was another quick pic of the bouganvilla in the garden, looking a bit faded and battered - just how I felt on that day

Day 36 and I thought I'd have a go with playing mith my flash as that's what I'd really like to get to grips with this year.  And so I bring you floating chocolates!!!  Obviously I need to work on this, because as we all know chocolates are incapable of levitation.

The next day a litle more flash work, here we can see that the shell is actually resting on something, but it's still not quite right.  Never mind, onwards and upwards.

And I think that will do us for this post.  Off to catch up on some Stepford type duties and will hopefully continue my catch up later in the day.