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Saturday, 18 February 2012

Getting to grips with my nemisi

As we are well into February, I thought I'd let you all know how my New Year's resolutions are coming along.

The Post, I am happy to report, that all unopened letters have now been opened, and dealt with, filed or binned as appropriate.  I have managed to have all of my utilities changed over to paper free bills now, so everything is now stored on the PC.  Also all new incoming post has been dealt with as it's arrived.  A great weight off my mind.

The Laundry, gah.  Let's just say I am getting there.  I have implemented a new system, whereby there is no communal dirty laundry basket in the bathroom.  Now, everybody has one in their own bedrooms.  This makes things easier for me, as at least I know now who the clothes belong to and as soon as it has been washed, dried and folded, it just goes straight back to the respective bedroom and there is no winging and moaning about this not being mine. Win for me.

Also as far as dirty washing goes I am on a strict work to rule.  As it is in the washing basket, so it gets washed, dried and folded ;-)  I do not turn anything out the right/wrong way, remove belts, knickers from jeans legs or tissues from pockets.  I don't pair socks either :-)

So although their doesn't appear to be any less washing, it some how seems a little more controlled.

The Fly Tipping is getting there too.  I now have a big brown box in the kitchen, that I have scrawled on the side " Shit that doesn't live in the kitchen"  and everything just gets dumped in there.  It works!!!  Obviously this is only a temporary measure, and I am hoping that people will get bored of rooting through it looking for lost stuff.

I am also going through all my paperwork.  I've found receipts for things that were bought back in the UK.  I've got nearly 10 years worth of bills for this house.  There are instruction books for implements we no longer have, and this is only a 2 drawer filing cabinet!!  I now have a nice big box full of paperwork, which is slowly but surely being used as fire lighters.

So, my resolutions are still going quite well, sometimes life gets in the way and everything goes to pot, but on the whole, I think I'm getting there a bit.  Need to spend a bit more time on some of my crafty bits, and I'll be there.

Tuesday, 14 February 2012

Meal Planning Monday 13 February 2012

Late posting this week due to Girlie #1 being off school ill yesterday.  Of my two new dishes from last week, I had one hit and one miss.  This Fish Stew was just gorgeous and one that I will be doing again.  The risotto though was a miss.  It needed longer in the oven than the recipe said and the girlie was famished by the time she got in from school, so she had a quick sandwich.  When the risotto was cooked, she had a taste but was not impressed, so we won't be bothering with that one again.

Baking wise we made Crazy Cake again, the girlies made fudge and cookie dough bonbons so might just have to go easy on the sweet stuff again this week.

Paprika Pork with Yellow Rice

As you can see, I've only got four meals this week as the girlies will be going to their Dad's.  So that means I get pot luck freezer dinners as I'm not terribly good about always remembering to label tupperwares!

I am linking up with Mrs M, so clink on the linky and come and see what everyone else is cooking up

Monday, 6 February 2012

Meal Planning Monday 6 February 2012


Well, so far so good.  I managed to stick to last week's meal plan pretty well, although the Chicken Fajitas actually turned into Chicken Fababs - I ask you how is it possible to pick up pitta breads instead of tortillas?  Girlie #1 went out for lunch one day and they both went out for lunch on Saturday, so I'll be carrying over Sausage Pasta Bake to this week,

The prawn pilau was an unmitigated disaster, definitely not one to be repeated, it was only enjoyed by myself and the chickens :-(  How did I managed to create such unadventurous eaters?  Me, the waste disposal of all food stuffs.

I also had a success with Crazy Cake, which was this weeks mid week baking project.  An easy peasy eggless chocolate delight.

Sunday lunch was also accompanied by Chocolate Fudge Pudding Cake  Made in the Slow Cooker by Girlie #2 another success that will be repeated.  So on to this week

Cottage Pie
Sausage Pasta Bake
Roast Chicken

Two new meals for me this week are the fish stew and the risotto, so fingers crossed please for two successes here.  Girlie #1 has said that she would like to make some fudge this week, as I mentioned that you could make it at home, so I'm off to hunt for an easy recipe.
I am linking up with Mrs M, so clink on the linky and come and see what everyone else is cooking up.