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Saturday, 31 December 2011

In With The New ...

2011 started pretty badly, peaked in the summer and went straight back to crap again in about September, which was when Girlie #2 was first on crutches!

2012 will be about beating my bête noirs, basically getting organised, controlling better my finances and getting fitter.

Problem Areas

Laundry Who'd have guessed it?!

 Fly tipping Mostly in the kitchen and I'm not the only culprit


 The Post There must be about 3 or 4 months of unopened post there *sighs*  Obviously, everything that even slightly resembled a Christmas or birthday card has been opened.

 So, that's my lack of organisation revealed.  To help with this, I have signed up with Habit Hacker  Who do not require me to wear lace up shoes, or to be able to see my face in the sink.                                                                                                      
I have also invested in an Organised Mum Planner, which helps us all keep on top of important dates, birthdays etc.

Finances  I've downloaded an app to my mobile that should help me keep note of all my spends.  Look after the pennies and all that

Health I might just accidentally have clicked on to the Coolrunnings C25K website and have it in mind to give up smoking too

Obviously that's all a lot to be going on with, and won't happen overnight.  But, I would like to accomplish these things throughout 2012.

For me, I'd like to learn how to use a sewing machine properly and also get started (and finished) on a lot of the crafty projects I've got buzzing around in my head.  

So, how about you?  Resolutions or revolutions?

Thursday, 29 December 2011

Out With The Old

I've been a very busy girl today, this morning my sitting room looked like this 



And this afternoon it looks like this...

All ready to go out buy paint, painters tape, drop cloths and it's In With The New.

Just looking at these photos, has reminded me, that I need to remove the standard lamp, the lampshades and the clock.  The boy needs to help me with the big unit down the bottom, as it weighs a tonI am going to go for a lighter shade of wall this time, as this room is quite dark during the winter months.  A warm creamy colour, not too yellowy is what I'm after.  Well I think so anyway.  The ceiling will be white again and the floor will stay how it is too.

I'd quite like to have a re-arrange of the furniture, but not sure how else I can do it.  

Obviously, nothing has to stay, and I'd like to get rid of the biggest, ugliest desk in the world.  The old kitchen spotlights at the currently TV end of the sitting room are on the bin list too.

Any ideas anyone?

Art - It's only a matter of Location

pile of clothes

  Tate Modern

My Spare Room

See what I mean?

Tuesday, 27 December 2011

Let Battle Comence

So, that's it, all done and dusted for another year. The fridge is still groaning under the weight of uneaten turkey, cheeses, pate and rather surprisingly a vast quantity of alcoholic beverages too. 

The girlies are off with their dad and Nanny has returned to roast on the coast territory to take her "I'm still not senile enough for you to relieve me of my driving license" test. As she probably has to drive there, it's to be hoped that she passes, otherwise I'm not entirely sure how she will get home again!

We all did surprisingly well here in the gift department and here are the girlies modeling the presents sent over from NZ Aunt.


Now life carries on and I need to get caught up with the washing, find homes for all the new gifts, stash the decs for next year, and hopefully get the sitting room painted before the girls get back.  Bit by bit though, it can start once I've finished my tin of Quality Street and caught up on some knitting.

Hope you all had a peaceful Christmas x

Tuesday, 20 December 2011

Gifts I won't be giving this year....

but would love to!

I'd really like to gift one of these to all household members, along with operating instructions.

Am also thinking of getting all of the dogs one of these

And I can't imagine we'd ever lose the remote again with one of these

Source: via Ben on Pinterest

So, how about you.  Anything you'd like to gift, but won't be?

Monday, 19 December 2011

My Christmas To Do List....

So, here we are a mere six sleeps away from the big day itself and my to do list looks something like this
  • Meal Plan
  • Food Shop
  • End of term reports (x 2)
  • End of term concert (1 of)
  • Doctors appointment
  • Chase 1 Debt (must be done on the 23rd - don't ask)
  • Dance display
  • Find dancing costume - for aforementioned display
  • Go to friend's party, which starts with pre lunch drinkies and ends with after dinner liqueurs (also on the 23rd, must chase debt in the morning)
  • Start (and indeed finish) Present Shopping
  • Clean and Tidy house
  • Assorted washing and Ironing
  • Toy Room Cull
  • Deliver 3 Turkeys
  • Find someone who wants to buy the 4th Turkey (everyone here is refusing to eat "our" turkeys - rolls eyes heavenwards)
  • Music School Meeting (I am the treasurer and don't have an out)

On top of all this there are all the normal animals/humans to feed type daily jobs.  Oooh and a trip to the hairdresser would be very welcome too.  Can it all be done?

Thursday, 15 December 2011

He's nearly here...

And I'm so not ready for Christmas yet. It's been nearly three weeks since I last posted and there has been such a lot going on. 

Unfortunately we lost Coco dog, which was pretty upsetting, and surprisingly he keeps popping up in my dreams. However, he had started to become a bit aggressive, so maybe there is a bit of a silver lining in there somewhere. 

Both girls were on crutches at the same time, and we have had numerous doctors, vets and dentists trips.  Culminating in an overnight stay in A & E with girlie 2.  She had stomach pains and they kept her in over night on a drip, to make sure it wasn't appendicitis.  I turned out to be a reaction to her painkillers and they have now been changed and she is recovering well.  If only I could say the same, I have a very hurty shoulder from spending the night in that blue chair you can see in the background.

December 6th and 8th were Fiestas here and Girlie #2 had the 5th off as well, so we got into full on crafting and decorating mode.  The remit from school was to make a Christmas ornament from a loo roll roll.  So with one of her friends from school, they came up with these.

I of course had to get in on the action too and came up with this

Secretly quite pleased with it - shh!

I've managed to do all my overseas shopping, thank you Amazon.  And will hopefully start. Oh yes start my "real" Christmas shopping this weekend.

Wish me luck