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Friday, 9 April 2010

Female Monkey with Egg ...

 is what a Mona con Huevo is when literally translated.  But in reality is one of these little beauties aboveThey are traditionally eaten on the Monday after Easter and are to be eaten up a mountain, so who were we to argue.  We packed up a picnic tea and set off for the Rio Chicamo, which is one of our favourite places to go.

A spot of fishing (?) was the first port of call

Although they didn't actually manage to catch anything

A short walk and we found somewhere suitable to picnic

Hard boiled egg removed and eaten and cakey bits were then demolishedSeems a rather strange combination, but hey ho, tasted OK.

Due to the very wet winter we have just had, the spring flowers were everywhere.  Luckily I had my macro lens, although the slightly breezy conditions made focusing a little tricky!

White flowers

Yellow flowers

Blue flowers

Pinky white flowers

Lilac flowers

Fried egg flowers

Dandelion clocks

and Poppys