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Tuesday, 23 March 2010


Paella is the traditional dish of the Valencian region of Spain.  To be considered "proper" it must be cooked over an open flame and the most authentic of ingredients are thought to be rabbit and snails.

Ingredients for a Paella to serve 8 -10 People

1 Rabbit (or chicken)
1 Red Pepper
2 Large Tomatoes
1 kg Paella Rice
Olive OIl
Thyme or Rosemary (or both)

First chop the tomatoes in half and then ...

Grate them until only the skin remains.  Set aside.

Fry the strips of pepper in olive oil 

Untill they are well cooked and lightly charred, remove and set aside

Brown the meat, add the grated tomatoes and salt to taste, cook together for about 10 to 15 minutes

Add water to the level of the rivets in the pan, saffron and herbs

Leave to boil untill the meat is well cooked and tender, adding water if it boils away too much

Remove large bunches of herbs and add rice, distributing evenly over the pan

Place peppers on top of the rice

And leave to bubble away over a lowflame until all the water has boiled away

Once the water has boiled away

Leave to rest for about 5 minutes and serve

With lemon wedges, crusty bread and salad.


Tuesday, 2 March 2010

Getting All Art Crafty


I had a bit of an accident whilst cutting the hair of himself.  He handed me the clippers after trimming it himself and told me to tidy it up at the backI of course obliged, but he had taken the comb off, one swift manouvre and Oooops too late!!!  It all had to come off.  Now, contrary to popular belief, it does actually get quite chilly here in Spain in January and the poor thing was nearly bald.  There was nothing for it but to knit him a hat.  I managed to find a free pattern  and off I went.  In two evenings it was finished and I'd got the knitting bug back :-)

A  friend directed me to Ravelry  and here I am totally hooked once more.  My first completed project is this hat and scarf.  Hat actually knitted up a bit big, so I will have to rip it back and start again.  But, on the whole I am realy quite pleased.  I now have on the needles, another scarf like this

and a white baby blanket/shawl type thing. which I might just have overfaced myself with.  I also managed to find a real wool shop Lanas Orihuela who are so very helpful.

But of course this is not enough, now that I had rediscovered my love of knitting again, I really needed to have all my needles, scissors and other such gubbins kept in the same place.  So a quick search of the internet and a day on the sewing machine, one pair of old jeans and an old smock top of the girls and I managed to come up with this...

a knitting needle case.

Medieval Market

So this years market was even bigger than usual - Fantastic.  The only problem being that I only had a few hours to myself.  Met up with the AFOTO peeps, but soon had to leave them in my wake due to their dawdling - hahaha.  I was specifically looking for the birds of prey, that are normally on display.  Unfortunately they weren't in their normal situation, which is excellent for photographs but in another, not quite so photogenic.  

 I managed to catch the display, but there were a lot of people around, making it very difficult to isolate the birds in flight.  This one here is looking right at me ¿No?

The stalls were their normal colourful selves and instead of going for lots of portraits this year as I did last year, I concentrated on the produce they were offering.

I was quite tempted by these dried flower headbands, but as I have no forthcoming bridesmaid appointments nor maypoles to dance around, I decided to forget it,

These wooden roses were also very tempting, especially as they were sprayed with a gorgeous smelling oil.

Now I'm really kicking myself that I didn't pick up one of these 

And, incense sticks to colour coordinate with every room in the house

Delicious looking homemade bread, which smelt divine.

Next year, no excuses, I will be dedicating the entire day to this.